Musical Geniuses of Vienna
The Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra launches its first artistic period with the “Vienna Musical Geniuses” concert, which will take place on Monday 11/12 at 20:00 in the Stavros Niarchos Hall of the Greek National Opera. The concert program includes works by Mozart and Schubert with guest soloist Daniel Ottensamer, solo clarinetist of the Vienna Philharmonic, under the direction of Dionysis Grammenos.
W.A. Mozart
Overture The Abduction from the Seraglio (K.384)
Franz Schubert
Symphony No. 5 in B flat major, D. 485
Monday, 11 December 2017
Concert Hall
Stavros Niarchos Hall of the Greek National Opera
Ticket information
Entry is free with priority cards, which will be distributed from 18:30 on the same day by the Greek National Opera.