ELSON · reworks | The GYSO presents original works and reworks by Alexandros Livitsanos
ELSON · reworks | for symphony orchestra, electric and electronic instruments
The Greek Youth Symphony Orchestra presents original works and reworks by Alexandros Livitsanos.
Alexandros Livitsanos piano, keyboards
Dimitris Stasinos electric guitar
Giorgos Mpoulntis electric bass, synth bass
Manolis Giannikios drums, spd-sx
Katerine Duska voice
Faidra Giannelou conductor
Bach/Mozart · Τoccata, Fantasia and others in D minor
Beethoven · Moonlight Sonata
Livitsanos · “A Pictureless Soundtrack”
- Disconsolation
- Sequence
- Letters
- Unrequited
- No More Argument
- Sim Harif
- On a Bus
Embodiment Revisits
Mozart / Αττίκ / Livitsanos · Από μέσα πεθαμένος (Piano Concerto No 23 in A major KV 488)
Katerine Duska · Somebody
Sunday, 21 July 2019
Ticket information
Entry is free with priority cards.